Venue Location

Venue Details

Bedford Corn Exchange
MK40 1SL

General Details

All reserved, public and coach parks will be signposted by the AA on all approach routes. If you have a reserved car park label, please display this clearly as you approach Sandwich.
Accessible Seating - Viewing facilities are provided around the 18th green for those in wheelchairs and disabled toilets with ramps are located as near as possible to this area. Contact the R & A ticket office for further information and bookings on: 01334 460000.
Cameras can only be used on practice days. Mobile phones must not be used while on the course or in grandstands. There will be several public telephone units located within the tented village. Step ladders or similar are not permitted within the paygates and should not be brought to the course. No pets are allowed on the course and we respectfully suggest that you do not leave your pet in the car.

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